Abdominal Trauma Treatment in Bangalore
Best Liver Transplantation In Bangalore
Case 1
- 58/ M
- RTA- accelerating injury; 10 hrs after injury
- Spine and abdominal injury– paraparesis and abdominal pain
- CT abd/ MR spine
- Hypotension 60 systolic; pH 6.8; Hb 4 gm%
- Exploration- mesocolic vessel
- Reexploration after 6 hrs for bleed
- Reexploration after 2 days- ileostomy
- 9 PRBC, 8 FFP, 2 cryo
- Protracted recovery- Line sepsis, organ failure
To know more contact us today. We offer the best abdominal trauma treatment in Bangalore by the best abdominal trauma surgeon in Bangalore.